Inspection + Testing

Optimizing Turnaround Efficiency

Repair of storage tanks can be a major expense for oil, gas and petrochemical facilities. Corrosion can lead to leaks, environmental damage and even the shutdown of operations, costing millions of dollars a day. Identifying products and processes that reduce downtime for repairs and extend the...

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NDT Methods

Visual Inspection (VT): Just like it sounds, this is when you look at something carefully to check for problems. Imagine using a magnifying glass to look for cracks or changes in a toy. Ultrasonic Testing (UT): This uses high-frequency sound waves (like a bat's echolocation) to check for hidden...

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Energy Storage Technology

A Massachusetts-based group developing an energy storage system to support renewable energy resources is moving forward with plans for a prototype facility outside Boston.

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Radiographic Testing

Radiographic testing is kind of like taking an X-ray of something, but instead of looking at bones, it’s often used to see inside objects like metal pipes or parts of pipelines, pressure vessels and various structural components.

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Asset Reliability

Before you go marching down to your reliability engineers and ask questions like, “What are the top 10 worst performing assets in our production line?”, it’s important to know the actual difference between an asset and reliability. These two terms are used often in our field, and many times we...

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