Radiographic Testing

Inspection + Testing

Radiographic Testing (RT) is a bit like taking an X-ray of a material or object to see inside it. Imagine you’ve seen doctors use X-rays to look at bones inside our body. RT does something similar, but it’s used for things like pipelines, pressure vessels, airplane parts even bridges, but not people.

Here’s how it works:

  1. X-rays or Gamma Rays: Just like in a medical X-ray, RT uses special kinds of light called X-rays or gamma rays. These rays are very powerful and can pass through objects, unlike regular light.
  2. Film or Detector: On the other side of the object, there’s a film or a digital detector. When the rays pass through the object and hit this film or detector, they create an image.
  3. Looking Inside: Different parts of the object let different amounts of rays pass through. So, the image shows a kind of shadow picture of what’s inside. It can show if there are any cracks, holes, or other problems that we can’t see from the outside.
  4. Safety First: RT uses high-energy rays that can be harmful, so it’s important to do it safely. Only trained professionals should do Radiographic Testing, and they use special equipment to protect themselves and others.

Bottom line: Radiographic Testing is a powerful way to look inside objects and materials to find problems without having to cut them open.

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