When we think about the pivotal technologies in industrial advancement, nondestructive testing (NDT) stands out as a critical tool that ensures safety and integrity without harming the object being tested. NIA is dedicated to teaching and expanding knowledge in this crucial field, helping...
Nondestructive Industry Updates
FYI: Knowledge Core
A service of ERDC's Information Science and Knowledge Management Branch that collects, preserves and distributes the ERDC's research publications and historical knowledge. The growing collection includes articles, technical reports, papers, photographs, datasets, and videos. #engineering #erdc...
Inspection Plug Materials
Stainless steel and aluminum are popular materials for NDT inspection plugs due to their specific properties that make them suitable for harsh environments. Stainless Steel Plugs Durability: Stainless steel is known for its high strength and durability, which makes it ideal for use in environments...
NDE Resource Center
The NDT Resource Center is a website with a wide-variety of information about nondestructive evaluation (NDE). The website has three objectives: To serve as an educational resource for students and instructors of two-year nondestructive testing (NDT) programs, and others with an interest in NDT...