Education + Training

NDT Career Program

Nondestructive Testing Training The NDT Education Employers Want National Inspection's NDT Career Program immerses students in the world of NDT, providing them with a robust training program which includes Level I and Level II training. Career Program includes seven highly sought after NDT methods...

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NDT Certification Sources

NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) certifications are essential for individuals looking to work in the field of non-destructive testing . . .

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Phased-Array Ultrasonic Testing Study

A Study of Phased-Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) for Detecting, Sizing, and Characterizing Flaws in the Welds of Existing Hydraulic Steel Structures (HSS) AbstractHydraulic steel structures (HSS) are components of navigation, flood control, and hydropower projects that control or regulate the...

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Condition Monitoring vs. Predictive Maintenance

Condition Monitoring (CM): the process of monitoring specific parameters (like vibration, temperature, lubricant condition, etc.) of critical equipment or systems to detect any significant change which might indicate a developing fault. It's a "snapshot" of the current condition at a particular...

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NDT Terminology

Digital Radiography: The use of digital imaging techniques for radiographic testing, which offers improved sensitivity and resolution compared to traditional film-based methods. Eddy Current Testing (ECT): ECT is widely used for surface and near-surface defect detection, and advancements in probe...

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