Holiday Testing (Jeeping)

Holiday testing, also known as “jeeping,” is a specific inspection method used in NACE coating inspections to detect any flaws in protective coatings. These flaws, called “holidays,” are tiny gaps, pinholes, or defects in the coating that can...

NACE Coating Inspections

NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) coating inspections ensure the longevity and durability of structures and equipment. Coatings are applied to surfaces to protect them from corrosion. What are NACE Coating Inspections? Purpose: To ensure that...

Why is Cathodic Protection a Big Deal?

And What Makes Cathodic Protection So Awesome? Cathodic protection is a key technology for protecting against corrosion because it can be easy to apply and can be monitored 24/7. It’s as near to a set-it-and-see-it method for keeping buried, immersed or steel in...